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The DHB Radio Show

Apr 28, 2011

What's this? A surprise show? Why yes! It's an early new episode! / Don't own pets that you couldn't beat in a fight / Pink thinks he can drink / Claire joins us for a whole show / Women are impure if they go to the toilet after smelling lettuce / Woman bites off boyfriend's testicles / Man suffers bad 'fall'...

Apr 25, 2011

Happy Zombie Jesus Day! / Viagra Beer, only available in England / Man wants to fight Claire / Man hates Claire! / Other man wants to see Claire's boobies coated in custard / Listener hates our show, gets in arguement with Scott / People impersonate Dougie Bray / All this and much, much more!! 

Apr 18, 2011

A new bastard joins the mix / Scott doesn't think that people appreciate how ill he is / Women being crazy in the news / Some people hate the Royal Wedding / People impersonate our callers / Voicemails are comedy gold! / Mike gets a tube rammed up his arse.. This, and much more! 

Apr 11, 2011

Crazy Lady has a rant about Scott's dog / Man threatens Scott with bin bag / Bacon Cologne - it's the future / Face of Jebus seen in Kit Kat / Man shits all over his house laughing at The DHB / Dougie Bray is going to kill us.. UP AND WIN!! / All this and much more! 

Apr 4, 2011

Scott and Steev are tired / Halloween 2 is shit / Crazy man runs for school board / emails / Mikey C gets back in touch / Claire is having a moan / This and much, much more!