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The DHB Radio Show

Jul 29, 2013

So this is a long one! Seriously, if you listen to this goodness all in one go then you deserve a bastard medal. We came into this unprepared, and shit just got very 'insulty'.. Mainly aimed toward the Sasquatch. Egged on by the in-studio appearance of Mr Pink, even the normally placid Money Maker fires into the debate,...

Jul 22, 2013

So Scott is joined tonight by the mofo'ing dream team of Maynard, Steev and Pink, and as usual we knock this shit out of the park. I'm not even kidding, I had Boutros Boutros-Ghali on the phone and everything, offering to give us some kind of award to humanity or something, but I  hung up on that bitch, we're not in it...

Jul 17, 2013

WARNING! If you're a new listener, then this is not one of our normal shows! Go back and listen to some of our archived shows for the regular DHB goodness, but also be sure to check out this goodness! Hosted by Mr Pink himself, this is the first episode he's hosted solo, along with some awesome guests. Including The...

Jul 14, 2013

So Scott is joined by Steevasaurus and Maynard, but Pink calls off because he's too busy passing blood out of his rotten ass. That's right, he nearly dies through food poisoning, and he calls in at one point to fill us in. Scott faces more abuse about having a beard that's 'African Sunset' coloured, and Steev has cakes....

Jul 9, 2013

I'm sorry, but shit gets messy during this one. Well, what do you expect when you give Coops alcohol during a show. I mean seriously, you would think I would learn by now to limit the bastard by now when she's in the studio, but she does now have the honour of being the first person to drink from the glass cock.. Long...