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The DHB Radio Show

Oct 19, 2014

So here it is, the last show of the current era. Near 5.5 hours of Sasquatch joined by Lurch Monster and Cueball! Okay, we at one point hijack the Strange Times Show agaon, but mostly it's just us talking nonsense for a long time, and saying things we really shouldn't. And you know the part that really makes you want to...

Oct 17, 2014

The second part of the DHB's recent Mini-Marathon! 

Oct 12, 2014

Thanks to everyone who listened in to our latest marathon show, which lasted for a good 16 and a half hours! Well, I say good - by the end of it we were just a drunk mess who kept spilling rum and chips all over ourselves. But here's the first part featuring Coops, Sasquatch, Mac-Attack and Steevasaurus before they...

Oct 6, 2014

Scott is joined by Mr Pink, Money Maker Maynard and Phraze tonight for this, the last show before the pre-shut down marathon events! Everything from ghosts, creepy stories, apologies to listeners with the surname Mackay and Phraze not being a happy chap at the end.. 

- Scott.