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The DHB Radio Show

Feb 3, 2014

SCOTT is joined tonight in studio by STEEV, and a rare appearance in the flesh from MR PINK! We talk about how Pink is now Medium in Oil, how Steev's home is losing value rapidly and how Scott cheated death with the aid of Roobs' dog. Also, have you ever heard of a man chainsawing a sofa in half during a post dinner party? Well, you will during this show, and also how the Marines take very unkindly to Walter Mitty's who walk in to the bar thinking they're make believe SAS Police Astronauts. 

I know, it doesn't sound like I'm making any sense now, does it? I'm sure it'll sound ok though when you fill your ears with it. And hell, if you want to complain then you know the number.

- Scott.