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The DHB Radio Show

May 14, 2012

THIS IS NOT A REGULAR SHOW! After our recent weekend of drunken debauchery, we decided on the Sunday morning to record some audio, telling some tales from the weekend past. If you're a first time listener, don't listen to this! The audio quality sucks ass, as we cobbled together a recording setup using dodgy equipment dropped of by 'Peckham Independent Traders', with some dodgy looking blow up dolls in the back of their yellow Reliant Robin.. 

Expect unprecedented amounts of suck in this audio, but there are some funny stories in the mix here. So if you can suffer Pink sounding like the Mic is halfway down his throat, Phraze being quiet (I know, I was shocked too) and me sounding worse than normal, enjoy this wee bit of bonus audio in your earholes! 

- Scott.